Sanitizing a hex color value in PHP
29 May 2015
Working with WordPress themes it’s not unusual to have to manipulate colors is PHP. This is the first of a series of posts on working with color in WordPress and PHP in general.
Web Developer, Accessibility & Sustainability evangelist, Human.
29 May 2015
Working with WordPress themes it’s not unusual to have to manipulate colors is PHP. This is the first of a series of posts on working with color in WordPress and PHP in general.
I recently needed to control access to a certain page on my site using Easy Digital Downloads. My use-case was pretty specific: I have a support page on PressCodes where clients that have purchased a premium product can submit their question in a form. If a visitor has not purchased a premium product, they simply get a message informing them they don’t have access to that page.
11 May 2015
WordPress by default compresses and optimizes images for web-use.
12 April 2015
WordPress is a great platform and it’s as versatile as a platform can be. Proof of that is that it currently powers more than 23% of the internet as we know it. Historically though that has not always been the case and there’s one thing that made WordPress stand out: Themes.
09 April 2015
There are many tools and everyone has their favorites.
06 April 2015
Building your own WordPress theme can be daunting and pretty complicated. Usually the process of building a WordPress theme follows these steps: